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Emergency Lighting


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Emergency Lights, Test Switches & Exit Signs

What are emergency lights?

In buildings, emergency lights are designed to come on when the power fails. This is so that, in an emergency, residents and customers can safely evacuate the building or premises by following the illuminated exit signs. Emergency signs are typically bright, fluorescent lights so that they can be easily seen through smoke.

Emergency lights in Australia have to have their own circuit.

How can I test my emergency lights?

It is critical that you test your emergency lights on a regular basis to ensure that they are working as expected. To test them you will need to turn off the power supply. This can be conducted on an individual basis however, if you have a larger number of lights, it will likely be more efficient to turn off the whole circuit via a circuit breaker or test switch. We recommend referring to the Australian Building Codes Board for emergency light testing information, including who is legally qualified to carry out tests and how often.

What is an emergency test switch?

An emergency test switch enables you to simulate power outages without removing power from the whole building. Test switches often require a specific key to operate them, and will enable you to test the lights over an extended period of time. Installing a test switch can significantly improve the emergency light testing process.

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